MICAH St. Paul Chapter
We meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month, 5:00-6:30pm, via Zoom.
For further information or an invitation to our online meeting portal: contact John at john.jarvis.slade@gmail.com
Policy News - Read our Fair Housing Policy Agenda
This document serves two main goals - it is our official input to the City of St. Paul's Fair Housing Policy Agenda process, led by Kirstin Burch, our Fair Housing Coordinator for the City. It also serves for our newly growing MICAH St. Paul chapter to define what our issues are and where we want to focus our activities. From Section 8 to Tenant Screening to Fair Housing Testing and Rent Control, we are building power around a series of agenda items that we feel get to the heart of housing justice.
We also remain deeply committed to the issue of youth homelessness as can be seen in the 2100 homeless youth in the St. Paul Public School system, and supporting and growing the services for those kids and their parents.
About Us
A successful legislative breakfast on February 5 2019 led to the creation of a new MICAH St. Paul Chapter. We are a group from diverse faith communities, community organizations, and individuals, focusing on the need for shelter and affordable housing in St. Paul. We acknowledge the role racism plays in housing and strive to fight it. We work to educate ourselves and others about current affordable housing needs and to identify ways we can help create and preserve more affordable housing in the city, county, and state.
Subjects and Matter to date:
homeless children in the school district and their families
the families in Project Home
Fair Housing
the lack of acceptance of Section 8 vouchers
how high rents increase homelessness
how "upscaling" displaces low-income families from their affordable apartments
St. Paul Chapter District:
We are now exploring opportunities to have an impact especially for families with school-age children and homeless youth and tenants with Fair Housing issues. We welcome your participation as we grow in our knowledge and ability to help people have a safe, accessible, and affordable place to call home.
Recent Events:
February 2, 2024, Policy Breakfast - video of the online event (1hr, 26mn) and the slideshow presentation. (pdf)
June 9, 2024, Hazel Park Congregational UCC Presentation slideshow (pdf)
October 22, 2024, Virtual Bus Tour - video of the online event (1hr) and the slideshow presentation (pdf)
These are only our latest happenings, visit our archive for more.