Home Healer
Deb Lande is former MICAH board member. When asked to open a MICAH board meeting a few years ago with an intention, she chose to write one specific to the important work of housing instead of trying to find one written by someone else. Home Healer is now part of the book Universal Intentions which Deb co-authored with Ursula Pottinga.
From the book Universal Intentions
© 2013 Deb Sakry Lande
At: http://universalintentions.wordpress.com
Prayer for Global Citizenship
God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow
You created a world of beauty and plenty for us all to share.
You gave us responsibility for this earth,
Rich in life and variety.
Create in us a desire to act in solidarity,
sacrificing some of our freedom and self-interest
for the sake of the common good.
Enlighten and strengthen us to that we may challenge
the social and economic systems
that create and sustain poverty.
Show us the paths that lead
to mutual assistance among peoples,
to a deepening of human knowledge,
to an enlargement of heart,
and to a more human way of living within society.
Inspired by Paul VI. Populorum Progressio, 1967
Home Healer
Choked tight,
Lumps in my neck fight.
I walk dark alleys in fear.
I walk alone, quiet, and afraid,
Longing for a healer to appear.
Self-hate cuts through bone.
The easy fix tempts me, alone.
Hopelessness clogs my aching soul,
Intoxicated by
Shame, blame and tears.
I hold my breath.
I wander. I roam.
My soul and soles exhausted.
Where, I beg,
Is my refuge, my home?
Where is the pillow, I own?
Breathe deep, a voice comforts,
Healing breath suddenly surrounds.
Thank you, Great Creator,
For sending a healer
To guide me
And bring me home.