MICAH - Metropolitan Interfaith Council on Affordable Housing - Our Mission

MICAH lives out the prophetic vision that calls us "to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God". (Micah 6:8).
MICAH envisions a metropolitan area where everyone, without exception, has a safe, decent, accessible, and affordable home.

Please join us to make MICAH's vision a reality.


MICAH Metrowide 2025 Policy Breakfast

Bring your neighbors, invite your legislators!

Hybrid event, our first face to face policy gathering in years! Discuss critical housing needs and legislation to provide specific funding for programs addressing homelessness in Minnesota.

March 21
9-10a Gather and share a free breakfast provided by Shobi’s Kitchen
10-11:15a Program presentation & opportunities to meet with legislators

Seating & breakout session by region to give legislators and constituents a chance to connect.

Location: Christ on Capitol Hill Lutheran Church, 105 University Ave W, St Paul, 55103

Free registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1263009107239
Zoom link for hybrid: https://tinyurl.com/Metrowide25

For more information please contact:
Sue Watlov Phillips - suewatlovp@aol.com, John Slade - john.jarvis.slade@gmail.com

Parking & Transportation Information:
Please use this link to identify parking on streets close to the church: https://mn.gov/admin/citizen/buildings-grounds/parking/ -- There is NO parking available in church parking lot.

Light rail and bus stops nearby on University Ave and Rice St: https://www.metrotransit.org/


Bring America Home NOW

Bring America Home Now is a comprehensive, multi-agency, grassroots campaign to end homelessness in the United States. Led by people who have themselves experienced homelessness, we focus on the passage of federal legislation aimed at addressing the interconnected solutions to the decades-long epidemic of homelessness.

But you can Learn More Here.




Days on the Hill events:

March 4: African Heritage Day on the Hill
2p - Rally - Capitol Rotund
3p - Legislator Meet & Greet
4:30p - Reception - Centennial building, 658 Cedar St. Saint Paul, 55155

March 11: Hunger Day on the Hill
9a - registration, 10a-11:30 - Welcome
12-4p - meet with legislators

Capitol Ridge Building, 161 Saint Anthony Ave Saint Paul,55103
Registration: https://form.jotform.com/HolmesRachel/HDOTH2025

March 12: Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless: Homeless Day on the Hill (MICAH is a sponsor)
7:45a - meet at Central Presbyterian Church, 500 Cedar St., St. Paul, 55101
9:00a - program start
10:15a - we will make our way to the Capitol Complex for advocates to meet with their lawmakers
Information & register: https://secure.everyaction.com/db5slMKQOkWKWJ8Xo2Nesg2

Chapter Meetings

We are currently holding our meetings online.
Please write our contact for further information on joining in.

NorthEast (Ramsey & Washington Counties) - 2nd Tuesday, 8:00 to 9:30am, Contact: John Slade, slade@micah.org

South (Dakota County) - 2nd Tuesday, 5:00pm. Contact: Sue Watlov Phillips, sue@micah.org

Anoka (Anoka County) - 2nd Thursday, 9am, Contact: Sue Watlov Phillips, sue@micah.org

St. Paul - 3rd Thursday, 5:00pm. Contact: John Slade, slade@micah.org

Housing For All (Hennepin County) - 3rd Thursday 10am. Contact: Sue Watlov Phillips, sue@micah.org

We will reevaluate the staffing, meeting, and events policy as the situation continues.
You may reach us by email and phone, contact details on our
staff page or our chapter pages.